You must have drained the engine oil to carry out this.
You can do this with only a partially draining the cooling system and minimal spillage,
but its far better to drain the coolant properly.
Disconnect the hoses from the thermostat.
Disconnect the wiring loom connector from the thermostat
Remove it and pull the hoses through the gap between the rocker cover and the frame so
they stand up outside the frame.
Its a good idea to block the throttle bodies with lint free cloth or paper towels
Disconnect the wiring loom connector from the sensor on the rocker cover
Disconnect and remove the coils.
Number them with a marker pen so the same ones go back onto the same cylinders
Remove the spark plugs
Close the plug seals with lint free cloth or paper towels
Remove the bolts and seals from the rocker cover
Push the wiring loom out of the way and remove the the rocker cover.
On the later 955 engine and the 1050 engine there is an inspection cover. On the T595
there isnt, so the whole clutch cover has to come off.
Disconnect the clutch cable
Remov the central peg bot first. This bolt also has a copper and rubber crush seal that
should be thrown away and replaced.
Remove the fairing mounting bracket
Carefuly lift off the clutch cover. If it is stuck, you can use a ring spanner to lever it a few
mm at each end until the seal breaks. Be very careful, this is cast and can crack if you
force one end too much.
Lift cover off and store it carefuly.
In the crankshaft timing wheel you can see the three marks for TDC for each cylinder.
For TDC on any given cylinder, move the mark to the centre of the crank chaft position
With Cylinder 1 at TDC check the valve gaps for the outlet valves
On a Daytona T595 the correct clearance is betweem 0.15mm and 0.20mm
Repeat for all three cylinders.
With Cylinder 1 at TDC check the valve gaps for the inlet valves.
On a Daytona T595 the correct clearance is betweem 0.10mm and 0.15mm